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Quiz Task

Quiz Task

The “quiz” task in the UltronAR app: a modern way to interact with customers

In a digital world where competition for customer attention is fierce, companies are looking for new and creative ways to stand out in the market. The UltronAR application, which uses augmented reality technology, offers a unique tool that can be a real change in the way we communicate with customers – a quiz-type task. Why should you be interested in it and what are the benefits of using it in business?

Understanding tradition and taste in the brewing industry

A regional brewery wants to emphasize its years of experience and tradition in beer production. Using UltronAR, a brewery can host a quiz where questions cover the history of brewing in the region, specific ingredients used in their recipes and anecdotes related to the founders. Through this interactive format, consumers not only learn about the company’s history, but also increase their loyalty by identifying with the brand’s traditions and values.

Exploring technology in the automotive industry

A modern automotive company launches an innovative car model with advanced technological solutions. Through a quiz at UltronAR, potential customers can explore the new technologies incorporated in the vehicle, such as autonomous driving and driver support systems. By answering questions, customers learn how these technologies make everyday life easier and safer on the road.

Knowledge of trends and materials in the fashion industry

A prestigious fashion brand wants to promote its latest collection based on eco-friendly materials. As part of the campaign at UltronAR, the brand is creating a quiz with questions about the benefits of wearing clothing made from environmentally friendly materials, the process of manufacturing them and the inspiration behind the latest trends. This not only lets customers know the benefits of their purchase, but also helps them feel more responsible and environmentally conscious.



The quiz task in the UltronAR app is not only a modern way to interact with customers, but also an effective marketing tool. It allows not only to collect valuable information about consumers, but also to educate, build brand awareness and, above all, engage in a way that is both innovative and enjoyable for the user. In the digital age, where traditional advertising methods are becoming less and less effective, solutions such as UltronAR offer a new quality in the brand-customer relationship.


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