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Match tasks to your needs

Go to location

Lead players to any location on the map

Solve quiz

Increase brand awareness with personalized quizzes

Read the message

Give information/advice or even an offer to your recipient

Choose option

Get to know your recipient's preferences

Take a photo

Get the player to upload a photo, such as the price of a competitor's product, the equipment they use or a dream gift

Scan text

For example, your company logo - this way the player will pay attention to the presence of your brand!

Revive image

Superimpose a video over a static image and convey more to your customer

Scan QR code

Place the code anywhere - to continue the game, the player will have to physically be next to it (so, for example, at your point of sale)

AR interaction

Enhance your gameplay by adding your own character, or use pre-made ones

3D object recognition

Conduct personalized marketing campaigns and increase customer engagement by recognizing a specific object

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